Shari Kessler is a commercial, editorial, and fine-art photographer, working nationally and internationally for over 40 years. She is (retired) Associate Professor of Media Studies at TNS (The New School), NYC., developing three critical courses for on-line learning: Projects in Visual Storytelling; Visual Media: Grammar, Syntax, Semantics and Global Lens- Trans-Cultural Photography and Film and is currently writing her book, "My First Visual Literacy Primer".
�I started out as a photography purist working with film and making fine silver prints, with Minor White, at M.I.T. in the 1960�s. The idea then was to photograph subjects that �revealed� themselves in a zen-like way.�
Photography has under gone a revolution and Shari has become a rebel! Where she once composed the final frame in the camera, to print as uncropped, untouched, she now photographs subjects-as-objects to take out of context to use as core pieces for her visual puzzles.
�My creative process is meditative and organic, from capture to computer to print. I extract subjects from their ur-reality and morph them into a complex magical meta-reality.�
Avanti Art Works are serious attempts intent on unserious attempts intent on nothing more serious than delighting.
They are sensual, intellectual and emotional visions, asking the viewer to experience things as looked at but never seen-- now extracted, juxtaposed, interspersed, recomposed.
All the colors I am inside, have not been invented yet�and all the magic I have known I�ve had to make myself. (Shel Silverstein)
What My Images Want:
To Be Visual Encounters, Not Literary Dissections!